THE COMPANY ANTISMOKING SYSTEM is an Italian Company with Head Office in Rome.
THE COMPANY is composed by a Team of entrepreneurs, technicians and professionals which primary motivation is the satisfaction of the client. This is being achieved by the high level and innovative technologies utilized but also by the cooperation system established between Headquarters, Master Franchisee and Antismoking System Point.
THE OPERATIVE NETWORK is constituted by Antismoking System Points and Master Franchisee distributed over the world, where the client which desires to stop smoking can turn to, being sure to find in each single Antismoking System Point professional competence and friendliness.
THE WARRANTY SYSTEM offered to the clients of Antismoking System Points will be valid nationwide: each client of an Antismoking System Point will be able to repeat, free of charge, the supplementary treatments in any other Antismoking System Point apart from the one in which he effected the first treatment.
THE COMPANY is composed by a Team of entrepreneurs, technicians and professionals which primary motivation is the satisfaction of the client. This is being achieved by the high level and innovative technologies utilized but also by the cooperation system established between Headquarters, Master Franchisee and Antismoking System Point.
THE OPERATIVE NETWORK is constituted by Antismoking System Points and Master Franchisee distributed over the world, where the client which desires to stop smoking can turn to, being sure to find in each single Antismoking System Point professional competence and friendliness.
THE WARRANTY SYSTEM offered to the clients of Antismoking System Points will be valid nationwide: each client of an Antismoking System Point will be able to repeat, free of charge, the supplementary treatments in any other Antismoking System Point apart from the one in which he effected the first treatment.