Sunday, June 17, 2007

A quick guide to the smokefree law

The new law is being introduced to protect employees and the public from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

Key points are:

-From 1 July 2007 it will be against the law to smoke in virtually all enclosed and substantially enclosed public places and workplaces. See below for definitions.

-Public transport and work vehicles used by more than one person will also need to be smokefree.

-No-smoking signs will have to be displayed in all smokefree premises and vehicles.

-Staff smoking rooms and indoor smoking areas will no longer be allowed, so anyone who wants to smoke will have to go outside.

-Managers of smokefree premises and vehicles will have legal responsibilities to prevent people from smoking.

-If you are uncertain where you can or can't smoke, just look for the no-smoking signs or ask someone in charge.

More: HERE