Friday, July 20, 2007

Smoking may bring on early menopause - Tabaco pode antecipar menopausa

As mulheres fumadoras têm mais probabilidade de entrar a menopausa antes do 45 anos, o que as coloca em maior risco de virem a sofrer de osteoporose e doenças cardíacas, refere uma pesquisa realizada na Universidade de Oslo, na Noruega.

Mais: AQUI

Women who smoke are more likely to begin menopause before the age of 45 years, which puts them at increased risk of osteoporosis and heart disease, Norwegian researchers report.

More: HERE (Reuters Health)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Protecção ao Consumidor - União Europeia quer cigarros à prova de incêndio

Meglena Kuneva, comissária europeia para a Protecção ao Consumidor, pretende evitar milhares de queimaduras por ano ao instaurar uma medida de auto-apagamento em todos os cigarros vendidos dentro da UE.

Ler artigo: AQUI (SOL)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Proibição de fumar em bares entra em vigor em Inglaterra

Os fumadores em Inglaterra tiveram a última hipótese de acender os seus cigarros em bares e restaurantes na madrugada deste domingo. Às 6:00 entrou em vigor a nova lei que proíbe o fumo em ambientes de trabalho e outros espaços públicos fechados em todo o país.

Mais: AQUI

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Allen Carr

Allen Carr quit his 100-a-day habit over 20 years ago and turned into an anti-smoking guru, helping millions of smokers kick their habit.
Sadly, he recently died from lung cancer. But he saw his illness as a way to encourage more people to quit.

Allen was convinced he could make every smoker quit by debunking four great smoking myths.

More: HERE

Biography: Allen Carr

Allen Carr was a chartered accountant before giving up his 100-a-day cigarette habit and becoming a world expert on how to quit.

He started smoking at 16 and within a few years had descended to chain-smoking. After numerous failed attempts to stop by using the usual methods, in 1983 he discovered a method that could make it easy for any smoker to give up the habit quickly, painlessly and permanently.
In 1985 he wrote The Easy Way To Stop Smoking describing his method. It quickly became the most successful book on stopping smoking with sales of more than three million. It has been translated into more than 20 languages.

Now he has over 50 clinics in 19 countries with trained therapists conducting sessions according to his method.

Allen Carr has since applied his psychological techniques to other addictions. Among his other books are:

- Allen Carr's Easyweigh To Lose Weight,
- How To Stop Your Child Smoking,
- The Easy Way To Enjoy Flying
- Allen Carr's Easy Way To Control Alcohol.

More: HERE

Vedeo: Allen Carr on Sky News part 1

Vedeo: Allen Carr on Sky News part 2

Video: Richard Branson talking about Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking method.